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7 Reasons Why You Need to Hire a Financial Advisor Thumbnail

7 Reasons Why You Need to Hire a Financial Advisor

Are you frustrated with the level of growth you experience when you attempt to invest on your own? Do you feel left out when your friends or coworkers talk about how much money they are making in the market while the value of your portfolio barely budges? If the answer is yes, it is probably a good time for you to take the next step in investing journey and ditch DIY investing by finally hiring a professional. A good financial advisor can bring your portfolio to a higher level.

7 Real Reasons Why You Need to Hire a Financial Advisor 

A financial advisor can help you avoid the many pitfalls of DIY investing, including:


You've probably become more than a little emotional when you think about your money. And when it comes to investing, listening to these emotions more often than not can end disastrously. It takes a particular type of person to be able to put aside feelings and make the right decision every time. A financial advisor doesn’t have the same emotional attachments and is able to strive to choose whatever action is best for your wallet.


Hunches and tips rarely work out in the long run, but choosing and sticking to an investment strategy does. Your financial advisor has years of investment experience to use as a guide, and will never risk your money and trade on  a rumor. 


Selling a well-performing asset to buy another financial instrument which is under performing is crazy, right? Well, not if you know what you are doing. Most DIY investors are reluctant to make such seemingly counter-productive moves, but the pros know when it makes sense to take the risk.


The old adage, “Only invest in what you know," is good advice, but if you don't have experience with several types of financial assets, your portfolio probably isn't diverse enough to offer you very much stability. A good financial advisor will make sure that your investment strategy is well diversified to minimize down markets. 


The market is down for the second week in a row, and the value of your portfolio is dropping like a stone. Are you going to have the guts to stick to with your investment system? Most DIY investors don't and wind up not only selling their investments for a loss but missing out on the very lucrative rebound. Financial advisors don't get scared by adverse market conditions, so, their clients are in the market to take advantage of the rebound.


You have heard it a thousand times, "Buy low, sell high," but attempting to call the tops and bottoms of a volatile market can cause you to lose out on a lot of profit. A professional investor knows that being afraid to pull the trigger on a trade because the fear of getting every cent from a trade is silly as long as you can catch the majority of the trend. 


Investing on your own is stressful. If the market is up, you are worried whether you should ride the wave as long as possible or take your profit now. But if the market is down, it is even worse. You are terrified your investments will never recover. Why do that to yourself? Do your due diligence, hire a financial advisor for your portfolio and rest easy.

Any of these issues strike a chord with you?  Benchmark Financial has been helping investors manage their wealth by keeping clients in check and helping them avoid the above pitfalls.  Why make investing harder than it has to be? Take your life back and build a stronger portfolio by speaking with a financial advisor today. 

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Benchmark Financial Wealth Advisors is an independent advisory firm providing wealth guidance, investment management, financial planning and qualified retirement plan services. We counsel individuals, families and business owners on an ongoing basis. As a fiduciary, we serve as an advocate for our clients, providing objective advice and comprehensive guidance across all aspects of our clients’ financial lives.

Investment Advisory Services offered through Benchmark Financial Wealth Advisors LLC, an SEC Registered Investment Advisor. Registration does not imply a certain level of skill or training. Fixed insurance products offered through Benchmark Financial Insurance Advisors LLC. Benchmark Financial Wealth Advisors LLC and Benchmark Financial Insurance Advisors LLC are separate entities. Additional information about Benchmark Financial and our advisors is also available online at www.adviserinfo.sec.gov.