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Benchmark 360° Online Portal Update Thumbnail

Benchmark 360° Online Portal Update


We hope you are enjoying the early onset of summer with family-time and vacations. Benchmark is busy constantly updating our client technology to better serve your financial needs and make your overall experience more enjoyable. Our newest advancement in technology will take place on June 25th; we're updating the way investments are defined on your personal financial dashboard, Benchmark 360°.

It's important to note that these changes may cause a change in the value shown on the Investments tile when this goes into effect next month. Check out this guide or keep reading below for more information. 

The following type of accounts and assets will be included under Investments with this update: 

  • Taxable
  • Qualified Retirement
  • Roth IRA
  • HSA
  • 529
  • Annuities
  • Deferred Compensation
  • Cash(Now included in the Investments Tile value) 
  • Stock Options (New to Client Portal Investments Tile) 
  • Life Insurance Cash Values (New to Client Portal Investments Tile)
  • Out of Estate Assets (New to Client Portal Investments Tile)

In addition, we'll be adding new categories to your Accounts tile for Taxable and Tax-Advantaged accounts.

If you have questions navigating your Benchmark 360° dashboard, please email us