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Equifax Reaches Data Breach Settlement Thumbnail

Equifax Reaches Data Breach Settlement

If your personal data was exposed in the 2017 Equifax data breach, you can now file a claim to get money spent or lost in the breach. Additionally, as part of the settlement, Equifax is giving the over 147 million consumers impacted up to $125 cash or free credit monitoring from all 3 credit bureaus – Equifax, Experian and Transunion for 4 years and $1,000,000 of identity theft insurance. After this, 6 additional years of credit report monitoring will be provided by Equifax. 

Because of the overwhelming public response to the cash settlement, very few people will actually obtain checks for $125 as Equifax was only required to set aside $31MM for the public cash settlement. We are advising all our clients to first check to see if your personal information was impacted by the breach and to sign up for the free credit monitoring service as this is the more valuable option in the long run. 

To check your eligibility, please click the link: Equifax Breach Settlement and file a claim if your information was impacted by the incident. After approval from the court, you will receive an email with instructions on activating your credit monitoring service which will begin as early as January 2020.  

For more information on the settlement, click here

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